Thursday, March 18, 2010

Is there a right and wrong?????

I have been brought up by my parents in such a manner that I have the highest level of self esteem and self respect. Though I am very conservative in my opinions about various topics...I am very broad minded about many others...... This makes me think.... Is there a right and wrong???
What I might think as being wrong might be perfectly...fine for another person....So is right and wrong only related to one person's conscious???
Being a teettoaller...I find people to consume alcohol or other such products... mindless and ignorant. But this being my personal opinion.......I always people can get so easily influenced by such habits??? knowing very well that it is harmful for mind, body and soul??
How can people do things so irrationally?? Is society to be blamed??? Or parents?? Who do not know how to bring up their children in the right manner??? Children should be brought up in a way that...they have a high self esteem and do not fall prey to peer pressure!! But alas that is not the case in many situations!! People without realising it....are unfortunate situation!!
As one of my professor you need beer to have a good time?? I do not think so...this is all advertising ......and foolish people fall prey to these gimmicks and end up spoiling their lives!! I being too dramatic here?? I donot think so........this is reality.........
I always knew..that there is a thin line between right and wrong.... all of us must realise it...
Those who taught us about right and wrong are our parents, teachers and our dear one's....
the reason for doing this ..for our own benefit..........we should realise this and live our life in a way that benefits society and all of mankind......finally...our life must reach out to people and should create an impact...............why are'nt uch good ideal's followed?? even if they is rare!!!

My motherland India is a country where great people were born and did great things......Mahatma Gandhi, Vallabai Patel, Dr. Ambedkar, Rabindranath Tagore to name a few...
Even now...our land is filled with great equal number of ignorant ***holes........Our country has the potential to be one of the most powerful in the world........but do you think it will happen??? Not going by the kind of ethics and morals...the people have is such a shame....

I remember this very well......when asked what is the most important criteria when hiring a top executive in a firm.........the CEO said........anyone is better than an alcoholic......!!

People to realise the bad influence alcohol has on people......wish people themselves would realise this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there a right and wrong??? I think there is !! When you do something...without feeling guilty, ashamed or does not make you regret about it.......think it is right and fine......else...u r crossing the line to the dark side!!